African Oral History Project
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African Oral History Project

Meeting the Village Head and the Heads of Households or Clans

A prominent member of the Council or the Chief himself may introduce you to the different heads of families and clans. You will invite each head to participate in the upcoming interviews. It’s important that you learn which individuals in the clan or family have the most information about their family history.

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The chief of the village, may organize a meeting with you. At this meeting, you will learn about the families in the village and how those families are organized. Pay close attention to this information to avoid repeating your efforts.

Typically, an important member of the council or the chief himself will introduce you to the different heads of families and clans. You will invite each head to participate in the upcoming interviews. It’s important that you identify which individuals in the clan or family that have the most information about their family history.

Formally invite the heads of each family and clan to participate in the upcoming interviews.

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Formally invite the heads of each family and clan to take part in the upcoming interviews. Tell them that while you will begin your interviews with the heads of the families or clans, you would like them to invite their brothers and sisters to participate in later interview sessions, so they can share additional information and stories.

If any heads of families are living in the village but are not connected to the clan’s or tribe’s trees, you will interview them separately.

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If any heads of families are living in the village but are not connected to the clan’s or tribe’s family trees, you will interview them separately. Collect their family histories as well as those of their wives.


You’ve completed the Meeting the Village Head module in the African Oral History Project training.

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Congratulations! You’ve completed the Meeting the Village Head module in the African Oral History Project training. You may now move to the next modules to learn more about your role as you gather and preserve the family history of those you meet.

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Click here to learn about the Interview Process.

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